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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 25 - June 24, 2021

State of Kansas

Department of Labor

Notice of Hearing on Proposed Administrative Regulation

A public hearing will be conducted from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. August 30, 202, in Room 509 of the Landon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson, Topeka, Kansas, to consider the revocation of an existing permanent regulation of the Division of the Kansas Employment Security Board of Review, Department of Labor.

This 60-day notice of the public hearing shall constitute a public comment period for the purpose of receiving written public comments on the proposed rule and regulation. All interested parties may submit written comments prior to the hearing to the Division of the Kansas Employment Security Board of Review, 401 SW Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66603-3182 or by email to All interested parties will be given a reasonable opportunity to present their views orally regarding the revocation of the existing permanent regulation during the public hearing. In order to provide all parties an opportunity to present their views, it may be necessary to request that each participant limit any oral presentation to five minutes.

Any individual with a disability may request an accommodation in order to participate in the public hearing and may request the proposed regulation and economic impact statement in an accessible format. Requests for accommodation to participate in the hearing should be made at least five working days in advance of the hearing by contacting the state’s ADA Coordinator, Anthony Fadale at 785-296-1389 (TTY 711) or

Summaries of the revocation of the permanent regulation and the economic impact follow. (Note: Statements indicating that a regulation is “not anticipated to have any economic impact” are intended to indicate that no economic impact on the Department of Labor, other state agencies, state employees, or the general public has been identified.)

Copies of the proposed regulation and the Economic Impact Statement for the proposed regulation can be requested by submitting an email request to Please ensure the subject line of the email request states “K.A.R. 48-2-3.”

K.A.R. 48-2-3 – KESBOR Appeals – The regulation is being revoked since the statute permits greater discretionary authority by the Kansas Employment Security Board of Review than is currently allowed by regulation. No economic impact is anticipated as a result of revoking the regulation.

Amber Shultz

Doc. No. 049238